Overview "Publication" (902 entries)
- ➔ Aalto (2010) Model Reduction for Natural Gas Pipeline Systems
- ➔ Abdel Karim (1966) The Stability of the Fourth Order Runge-Kutta Method for the Solution of Systems of Differential Equations
- ➔ Abdulle (2011) Explicit stabilized Runge-Kutta methods
- ➔ Adamjan, Arov, Krein (1971) Analytic Properties of Schmidt Pairs for a Hankel Operator and the Generalized Schur-Takagi Problem
- ➔ Adlhaheri (2006) Frequency-domain model reduction approach to design IIR digital filters using orthonormal bases
- ➔ Agathoklis (1990) Model Reduction of Linear Continuous Systems Using Impulse-Response Grammians
- ➔ Agathoklis, Sreeram (1988) Truncation criteria for model reduction using balanced realisation
- ➔ Ahmadi, Aldeen (2013) New input-output pairing based on eigenvalue contribution measures
- ➔ Ait-Haddou (2019) New stability results for explicit Runge-Kutta methods
- ➔ Al-Husari, Hendel, Jaimouka, Kasenally, Limebeer, Portone (1991) Vertical stabilisation of Tokamak plasmas
- ➔ Al-Saggaf, Bettayeb (1993) Techniques in Optimized Model Reduction for High Dimensional Systems
- ➔ Al-Saggaf, Franklin (1986) On model reduction
- ➔ Al-Saggaf, Franklin (1988) Model reduction via balanced realizations: an extension and frequency weighting techniques
- ➔ Albrecht, Haasdonk, Kaulmann, Ohlberger (2012) The Localized Reduced Basis Multiscale Method
- ➔ Aldhaheri (1991) Model Order Reduction via Real Schur-Form Decomposition