Overview "Publication" (826 entries)
- ➔ Feng, Rudnyi, Korvink (2004) Parametric Model Reduction to Generate Boundary Condition Independent Compact Thermal Model
- ➔ Fernandez, Djouadi, Foster (2010) Empirical Hankel norm model reduction with application to a prototype nonlinear convective flow
- ➔ Fernando, Nicholson (1982) Minimality of SISO Linear Systems
- ➔ Fernando, Nicholson (1982) Singular Perturbational Model Reduction in the Frequency Domain
- ➔ Fernando, Nicholson (1982) Singular Perturbational Model Reduction of Balanced Systems
- ➔ Fernando, Nicholson (1983) On the Cauchy Index of Linear Systems
- ➔ Fernando, Nicholson (1983) On the Structure of Balanced and Other Principal Representations of SISO Systems
- ➔ Fernando, Nicholson (1984) On a Fundamental Property of the Cross-Gramian Matrix
- ➔ Fernando, Nicholson (1984) Reachability, Observability, and Minimality of MIMO Systems
- ➔ Fernando, Nicholson (1985) On the Cross-Gramian for Symmetric MIMO Systems
- ➔ Feund (2011) The SPRIM Algorithm for Structure-Preserving Order Reduction of General RCL Circuits
- ➔ Fischer, Reichel (1989) A stable Richardson iteration method for complex linear systems
- ➔ Fortuna, Frasca (2012) Optimal and Robust Control
- ➔ Fortuna, Gallo, Nunnari (1988) A new representation of SISO systems for studying approximated models
- ➔ Fortuna, Gallo, Nunnari (1988) Studying the Interactions Among Model Reduction Algorithms via CAD Technique