Overview "Publication" (826 entries)
- ➔ Ma, De Abreu-Garcia (1988) On the Computation of Reduced Order Models of Nonlinear Systems Using Balancing Technique
- ➔ Manousiouthakis, Savage, Arkun (1986) Synthesis of decentralized process control structures using the concept of block relative gain
- ➔ Markovinovic, Geurtsen, Heijn, Jansen (2002) Generation of Low-Order Reservoir Models Using POD, Emperical Grammians and Subspace Identification
- ➔ Markovinovic, Jansen, Rommelse (2004) Reduced Representations in Reservoir Simulation - Extending POD to Include More General Optimality Conditions
- ➔ Marques, Kamon, White, Silveira (1998) A mixed nodal-mesh formulation for efficient extraction and passive reduced-order modeling of 3D interconnects
- ➔ Marshall (1966) An Approximate Method for Reducing the Order of a Linear System
- ➔ Matz, Mourllion, Birouche (2018) On Parametric Model Order Reduction Based on Projections
- ➔ Mc Avoy, Arkun, Chen, Robinson, Schnelle (2003) A new approach to defining a dynamic relative gain
- ➔ McAvoy (1983) Interaction Analysis
- ➔ McAvoy (1983) Some results on dynamic interaction analysis of complex control systems
- ➔ Mehrmann, Stykel (2005) Balanced Truncation Model Reduction for Large-Scale Systems in Descriptor Form
- ➔ Meier, Luenberger (1967) Approximation of linear constant systems
- ➔ Meindl, Emmert, Polifke (2016) Efficient Calculation of Thermoacoustic Modes Utilizing State-Space Models
- ➔ Mendelsohn (1957) An iterative method for the solution of linear equations based on the power method for proper vectors
- ➔ Meurant (2006) The Lanczos and Conjugate Gradient Algorithms: From Theory to Finite Precision Computations