Overview "Publication" (826 entries)
- ➔ Ostrowski (1959) On the convergence of the Rayleigh quotient iteration for the computation of the characteristic roots and vectors. VI
- ➔ Paige (1976) Error Analysis of the Lanczos Algorithm for Tridiagonalizing a Symmetric Matrix
- ➔ Paige (1980) Accuracy and effectiveness of the Lanczos algorithm for the symmetric eigenproblem
- ➔ Pantazis, Szyld (1995) Regions of Convergence of the Rayleigh Quotient Iteration Method
- ➔ Pare, Grimsman, Wilson, Transtrum, Warnick (2019) Model Boundary Approximation Method as a Unifying Framework for Balanced Truncation and Singular Perturbation Approximation
- ➔ Pare, Wilson, Transtrum, Warnick (2015) A unified view of Balanced Truncation and Singular Perturbation Approximations
- ➔ Parlett (1968) Global Convergence of the Basic QR Algorithm On Hessenberg Matrices
- ➔ Parlett (1974) The Rayleigh Quotient Iteration and Some Generalizations for Nonnormal Matrices
- ➔ Parlett (1998) The Symmetric Eigenvalue Problem
- ➔ Parlett (2000) The QR algorithm
- ➔ Parlett, Poole (1973) A Geometric Theory for the QR, LU and Power Iterations
- ➔ Parlett, Reid (1980) Tracking the Progress of the Lanczos Algorithm for Large Symmetric Eigenproblems
- ➔ Parrilo, Lall, Paganini, Verghese, Lesieutre, Marsden (1999) Model reduction for analysis of cascading failures in power systems
- ➔ Peherstorfer, Butnaru, Willcox, Bungartz (2014) Localized Discrete Empirical Interpolation Method
- ➔ Penzl (2006) Algorithms for Model Reduction of Large Dynamical Systems