Overview "Publication" (826 entries)
- ➔ Perev (2012) Balanced truncation of nonlinear systems with error bounds
- ➔ Perev (2014) The Unifying Feature of Projection in Model Order Reduction
- ➔ Perev (2018) Computation of system gramians for linear time-varying systems
- ➔ Perev, Shafai (1994) Balanced realization and model reduction of singular systems
- ➔ Pernebo, Silverman (1979) Balanced Systems and Model Reduction
- ➔ Pernebo, Silverman (1982) Model Reduction via Balanced State Space Representations
- ➔ Peters, Wilkinson (1979) Inverse Iteration, Ill-Conditioned Equations and Newton's Method
- ➔ Phillips (1991) Improved Computation of Balancing Transformations for Model Reduction of Minimal Systems
- ➔ Phillips (2004) Variational interconnect analysis via PMTBR
- ➔ Phillips, Daniel, Silveira (2003) Guaranteed passive balancing transformations for model order reduction
- ➔ Phillips, Silveira (2003) Poor man's TBR: a simple model reduction scheme
- ➔ Phillips, Silveira (2005) Poor man's TBR: a simple model reduction scheme
- ➔ Phillips, Zhu, Silveira (2008) PMTBR: A Family of Approximate Principal-components-like Reduction Algorithms
- ➔ Pinnau (2008) Model Reduction via Proper Orthogonal Decomposition
- ➔ Pinsky and Abboud (1991) Finite element solution of the transient exterior structural acoustics problem based on the use of radially asymptotic boundary conditions