Overview "Publication" (826 entries)
- ➔ Saito (2021) Model Order Reduction for a Piecewise Linear System Based on Dynamic Mode Decomposition
- ➔ Salgado, Conley (2004) MIMO interaction measure and controller structure selection
- ➔ Salgado, Yuz (2007) Mixed domain analysis of MIMO dynamic interactions
- ➔ Samar, Postlethwaite, Gu (1994) Applications of the singular perturbation approximation of balanced systems
- ➔ Samar, Postlethwaite, Gu (1995) Model reduction with balanced realizations
- ➔ Samuelsson, Halvarsson, Carlsson (2005) Interaction analysis and control structure selection in a wastewater treatment plant model
- ➔ San, Maulik (2018) Neural network closures for nonlinear model order reduction
- ➔ Sandberg, Murray (2008) Model Reduction of Interconnected Linear Systems Using Structured Gramians
- ➔ Sandberg, Murray (2009) Model reduction of interconnected linear systems
- ➔ Sandberg, Rantzer (2002) Balanced Model Reduction of Linear Time-Varying Systems
- ➔ Sandberg, Rantzer (2002) Error Bounds for Balanced Truncation of Linear Time-Varying Systems
- ➔ Sandberg, Rantzer (2004) Balanced Truncation of Linear Time-Varying Systems
- ➔ Sanderson, Curtin (2016) Armadillo: a template-based C++ library for linear algebra
- ➔ Sanderson, Curtin (2020) An Adaptive Solver for Systems of Linear Equations
- ➔ Santiago, Jamshidi (1984) On the Extension of the Balanced Approach for Model Reduction