Overview "Publication" (826 entries)
- ➔ Sirovich (1991) Empirical Eigenfunctions and Low Dimensional Systems
- ➔ Sivakumar, Beck (2004) MRedTool - a MATLAB toolbox for model reduction of multi-dimensional systems
- ➔ Sleijpen, Fokkema (1993) BiCGstab (L) for linear equations involving unsymmetric matrices with complex spectrum
- ➔ Smit, Paardekooper (1999) The effects of inexact solvers in algorithms for symmetric eigenvalue problems
- ➔ Smith, Fisher (2003) On generating random systems: a Gramian approach
- ➔ Smoktunowicz, Barlow, Langou (2006) A note on the error analysis of classical Gram-Schmidt
- ➔ Snowden, van der Graaf, Tindall (2017) Methods of Model Reduction for Large-Scale Biological Systems: A Survey of Current Methods and Trends
- ➔ Sorensen, Antoulas (2002) The Sylvester equation and approximate balanced reduction
- ➔ Sorensen, Antoulas (2005) On Model Reduction of Structured Systems
- ➔ Sreeram (2002) Frequency Response Error Bounds for Time-Weighted Balanced Truncation
- ➔ Sreeram, Agathoklis (1989) Model Reduction Using Balanced Realizations with Improved Low Frequency Behaviour
- ➔ Sreeram, Agathoklis (1991) The Computation of Gram Matrix via Impulse-Response Grammians
- ➔ Sreeram, Anderson (1995) A Schur Method for Singular Pertubation Approximation of Balanced Systems
- ➔ Sreeram, Anderson (1995) Frequency Weighted Balanced Reduction Technique: A Generalization and an Error Bound
- ➔ Sreeram, Anderson, Makievski (1995) New Results on Frequency Weighted Balanced Reduction Technique