Overview "Publication" (826 entries)
- ➔ Uzawa (1958) Iterative methods for concave programming
- ➔ van Aarle, Palenstijn, De Beenhouwer, Altantzis, Bals, Batenburg, Sijbers (2015) The ASTRA Toolbox: A platform for advanced algorithm development in electron tomography
- ➔ Van Beeumen, Meerbergen (2010) Model Reduction by Balanced Truncation of Linear Systems with a Quadratic Output
- ➔ Van Beeumen, Van Nimmen, Lombaert, Meerbergen (2012) Model reduction for dynamical systems with quadratic output
- ➔ van de Wal, de Jager (2001) A review of methods for input/output selection
- ➔ van der Vorst (2008) Linear Systems, Eigenvalues, and Projection
- ➔ van der Vorst, Vuik (1993) The superlinear convergence behaviour of GMRES
- ➔ Van Dooren (2000) Gramian Based Model Reduction of Large-Scale Dynamical Systems
- ➔ van Doren, Markovinovic, Jansen (2004) Reduced-Order Optimal Control of Waterflooding Using POD
- ➔ van Rietbergen, Weinans, Huiskes, Odgaard (1995) A new method to determine trabecular bone elastic properties and loading using micromechanical finite-elements models
- ➔ van Woerkom (1986) Mathematical Models of Flexible Spacecraft Dynamics: A Survey of Order Reduction Approaches
- ➔ Vandendorpe, Van Dooren (2008) Model Reduction of Interconnected Systems
- ➔ Vandergraft (1971) Generalized Rayleigh Methods with Applications to finding Eigenvalues of large Matrices
- ➔ Varah (1968) The Calculation of the Eigenvectors of a General Complex Matrix by Inverse Iteration
- ➔ Varga (1991) Balancing Free Square-Root Algorithm for Computing Singular Perturbation Approximations