Overview "Publication" (826 entries)
- ➔ Zhang, Du, Li, Ni (2015) Reduced order modeling for load aggregation based on empirical covariance matrices
- ➔ Zhao, Xue, Shi (2014) Nonlinear Dynamic Power System Model Reduction Using Balanced Empirical Gramian
- ➔ ZhongXiao (2013) On convergence of the inexact Rayleigh quotient iteration with the Lanczos method used for solving linear systems
- ➔ Zhou (1993) Frequency-Weighted Model Reduction with L∞ Error Bounds
- ➔ Zhou (1993) Weighted optimal Hankel norm model reduction
- ➔ Zhou (1995) Frequency-weighted L∞ norm and optimal Hankel norm model reduction
- ➔ Zhou, Salomon, Wu (1999) Balanced realization and model reduction for unstable systems
- ➔ Zhu (1996) Variable Pairing Selection Based on Individual and Overall Interaction Measures
- ➔ Zhu, Jutan (1993) A new variable pairing criterion based on the Niederlinski index
- ➔ Zilouchian (1991) Balanced structures and model reduction of unstable systems
- ➔ Zjajo, Berkelaar, van der Meijs (2012) Balanced Truncation of a stable non-minimal deep-submicron CMOS interconnect
- ➔ Zjajo, Tang, Berkelaar, van der Meijs (2011) Accuracy consideration of a non-Gaussian interconnect delay model for submicron CMOS statistical static timing analysis
- ➔ Zulehner (2002) Analysis of iterative methods for saddle point problems: a unified approach
- ➔ Zulfiqar, Imran, Ghafoor (2016) Cross-Gramian based frequency-weighted model order reduction technique
- ➔ Zulfiqar, Sreeram, Imran (2019) Channel-specific Frequency-limited Model Reduction