Overview "Publication" (826 entries)
- ➔ Verriest (2008) Time Variant Balancing and Nonlinear Balanced Realizations
- ➔ Verriest (2011) An Approach to Nonlinear Balancing and MOR
- ➔ Verriest, Kailath (1983) On Generalized Balanced Realizations
- ➔ Volkov, Demmel (2008) Benchmarking GPUs to tune dense linear algebra
- ➔ von Mises, Pollaczek-Geiringer (1929) Praktische Verfahren der Gleichungsauflösung
- ➔ Wanf, Sreeram, Liu (1998) A New Frequency-Weighted Optimal Hankel Norm Model Reduction and an Error Bound
- ➔ Wang, Hesthaven, Ray (2019) Non-intrusive reduced order modeling of unsteady flows using artificial neural networks with application to a combustion problem
- ➔ Wang, Munro (1982) A complete proof of Bristol's relative gain array
- ➔ Wang, Safonov (1992) Multiplicative-error bound for balanced stochastic truncation model reduction
- ➔ Wang, Sreeram, Liu (1997) A New Frequency-Weighted Balanced Truncation Method and an Error Bound
- ➔ Wang, Sreeram, Liu (1999) A New Frequency-Weighted Balanced Truncation Method and an Error Bound
- ➔ Wang, Yu (2018) The Error Bound of Timing Domain in Model Order Reduction by Krylov Subspace Methods
- ➔ Watkins (1982) Understanding the QR Algorithm
- ➔ Whaley, Petitet, Dongarra (2001) Automated empirical optimizations of software and the ATLAS project
- ➔ Wielandt (1943) Beiträge zur mathematischen Behandlung komplexer Eigenwertprobleme