Overview "Publication" (826 entries)
- ➔ Varga (1991) Minimal realization procedures based on balancing and related techniques
- ➔ Varga (1993) Explicit Formulas for an Efficient Implementation of the Frequency-Weighted Model Reduction Approach
- ➔ Varga (1995) Enhanced modal approach for model reduction
- ➔ Varga (2000) Matrix Iterative Analysis
- ➔ Varga (2000) On stochastic balancing related model reduction
- ➔ Varga (2001) Numerical Approach for the Frequency-Weighted Hankel Norm Approximation
- ➔ Varga (2005) Controller Reduction Using Accuracy-Enhancing Methods
- ➔ Varga, Anderson (1991) Accuracy enhancing methods for the frequency-weighted balancing related model reduction
- ➔ Varona, un-Nabiz, Lohann (2017) Automatic adaptive sampling in parametric Model Order Reduction by Matrix Interpolation
- ➔ Vasilyev, Rewienski, Wite (2003) A TBR-based trajectory piecewise-linear algorithm for generating accurate low-order models for nonlinear analog circuits and MEMS
- ➔ Veroy, Patera (2005) Certified real-time solution of the parametrized steady incompressible Navier-Stokes equations: Rigorous reduced-basis a posteriori error bounds
- ➔ Veroy, Prud'Homme, Rovas, Patera (2003) A posteriori error bounds for reduced-basis approximation of parametrized noncoercive and nonlinear elliptic partial differential equations
- ➔ Veroy, Rovas, Patera (2002) A posteriori error estimation for reduced-basis approximation of parametrized elliptic coercive partial differential equations: 'Convex inverse' bound conditioners
- ➔ Verriest (1984) Approximation and order reduction in nonlinear models using an RKHS approach
- ➔ Verriest (1986) Model Reduction via Balancing, and Connections with other Methods