Overview "Publication" (826 entries)
- ➔ Ohlberger, Rave (2013) Nonlinear reduced basis approximation of parameterized evolution equations via the method of freezing
- ➔ Ohlberger, Rave (2016) Reduced Basis Methods: Success, Limitations and Future Challenges
- ➔ Ohlberger, Schindler (2015) Error Control for the Localized Reduced Basis Multiscale Method with Adaptive On-Line Enrichment
- ➔ Opfer, Schober (1984) Richardson's iteration for nonsymmetric matrices
- ➔ Opmeer (2011) Model Order Reduction by Balanced Proper Orthogonal Decomposition and by Rational Interpolation
- ➔ Opmeer (2012) Model reduction for distributed parameter systems: A functional analytic view
- ➔ Opmeer, Reis (2015) A Lower Bound for the Balanced Truncation Error for MIMO Systems
- ➔ Or, Speyer (2010) Empirical pseudo-balanced model reduction and feedback control of weakly nonlinear convection patterns
- ➔ Or, Speyer, Carlson (2008) Model Reduction of Input-Output Dynamical Systems by Proper Orthogonal Decomposition
- ➔ Or, Speyer, Kim (2012) Reduced Balancing Transformations for Large Nonnormal State-Space Systems
- ➔ Ostrowski (1957) On the convergence of the Rayleigh quotient iteration for the computation of the characteristic roots and vectors. I
- ➔ Ostrowski (1958) On the convergence of the Rayleigh quotient iteration for the computation of the characteristic roots and vectors. II
- ➔ Ostrowski (1959) On the convergence of the Rayleigh quotient iteration for the computation of the characteristic roots and vectors. III
- ➔ Ostrowski (1959) On the convergence of the Rayleigh quotient iteration for the computation of the characteristic roots and vectors. IV
- ➔ Ostrowski (1959) On the convergence of the Rayleigh quotient iteration for the computation of the characteristic roots and vectors. V